Kigelia Africana Oil 100ml
Kigelia Africana Oil 100ml
Kigelia Africana is a rare and versatile botanical treasure known for its remarkable therapeutic benefits. Packed with bioactive compounds, essential fatty acids, vitamins, and antioxidants, Renowned for its soothing, firming, and rejuvenating properties, Kigelia Africana Oil is a multi-purpose solution for enhancing the health and vitality of hair and skin. Kigelia’s healing properties are comparable to the antibiotic Ciprofloxacin, which is used to treat a range of conditions including skin infections. Its antifungal properties have been compared to those of Amoxicillin, a further testament to this botanical’s potency and effectiveness.
Kigélia oil is rich in flavonoids, steroid saponins and phytosterols, essential to have skin and toned muscles. Akpi oil contains phosphorus and is rich in protein, which promotes muscle development. Fenugreek oil is known to contain phytoestrogen, a plant hormone that allows you to gain gluteus volume naturally and helps in the development of the chest. This trio of synergy of oils renowned for shaping the gluteus. Each oil brings its effectiveness.
This comes in two 50ml bottles.